Key Features

Know the most important characteristics

What is it?

The most complete database in the world that helps find classification codes of chemical products in various nomenclatures based in the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), 2017 AND 2022 Harmonized System versions.

Included products

The Customs Nomenclature Chemical Repertoire™ includes products classified in chapters 05, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 23, 25 to 27, 28 to 38, 39 and 40, and 72 to 81, of Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System nomenclature.

In what Nomenclatures?

Includes classification of products in 2017 and 2022 nomenclatures of European Union, Mexico (including NICO), Andina Community (NANDINA), Central American Tariff System (SAC), and WCO, and 2022 for U.S.A., Panama, and MERCOSUR.

How it works

Simply captures the registry number in the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS or CAS RN) of the product that you want to find the customs tariff code for. It is also possible to search knowing the compound´s International Nonproprietary Name (INN).

Available information

Apart from the customs tariff code of the product, the search results include the International Nonproprietary Name, structural formula, if available, as well as the link to the index reference of US Controlled Substances (EPA) and Substance Index of European Chemicals Agency.

Who performs the classification?

The classification of products included in the Customs Nomenclature Chemical Repertoire™ is done by a multi-disciplinary team of chemists and experts in tariff classification of chemical products, led by the expert L.V.A. Julio M. Carbajal Smith

How to access
the consultation platform

It is simple to find a Harmonized System code for a chemical product in the Customs Nomenclature Chemical Repertoire™. Just follow next steps:

Register your User Account, filling all the necessary fields. You do not need to provide your credit or debit card details. ;

Purchase credits through our Payment Page, after you have created your User Account and paid the $29.00 USD annual fee. We´ll never know your card information.

Only pay for what you use

Your credit will be charged $25.00 USD by search and is valid for a period of 45 days. After the 45 day period expires, you will only need to add more credit to keep your acces to the search system.

What happens if the searched product is not found

If the product you searched for is not found in the database, your credit will not be charged.

Furthermore, within the next 24 hours we will classify the product and you will be notified so that you can do the search again.


Additionally, by subscribing you receive more benefits such as:

Notification of new products included in the Repertoire;

Information regarding classification rulings from customs authorities of different countries;

News from specialized sites related to chemistry and tariff classification;

Discounts on consulting services that we provide on tariff classification; and

Discounts on the courses we organize every month.
